Tom the Taxer
Rifqa Bary Avoids Honor KillingCourageous girl flees for her life. Read PGellar. Read AmThinker.
No Chemo; Assisted Suicide InsteadOregon health plan denies chemo, offers medicine-assisted suicide...
Effective Health Care Ad"Let's find a way to put doctors and patients in charge of their own health care."
Two-Faced President: Uniter/DividerGreat side-by-side comparison of before and after; same speech.
C-Span Caller Right On!Getting back to common sense. We need more of these people in DC.
Lectures on Islam by Bill Warner"Bill Warner, one of the foremost scholars of Political Islam, and the history and doctrine of the so-called “religion of peace” has kindly given ACT West Nashville permission to post these superb lectures.
Few are doing the work that Mr. Warner has done. The information contained in these lectures is fundamental to understanding what is happening in the world today, and why Islam is in conflict with us though we would prefer it not to be so." Click title or here for lectures . Lights, Camera, School ChoiceOregon families tell their stories about why school choice matters, thanks to the Cascade Policy Institute and the Friedman Foundation. See one of the 2009 videos by clicking the title. Click here for all.
Friends and Character MatterWatch the videos that JT Harris put together. He knows, and so do we.
President to US: Stop talking!"I don't mind cleaning up after them, but don't do a lot of talkin'!"
Townhall meetings are where to be in August--Be early - post video!Go early to sign up to ask a question or make a statement. Usually they are taken first come first serve. You have to beat those paid to be there. Here Arlen Specter hears the wrath and can't justify not reading the bills.
Supreme Court "makes policy"Here's the quality of Obama's short list...Bonus links given the"historic Supreme Court nominee" (S.E.Cupp explains major flaws.) (Krauthammer on Fox) (Newt Gingrinch: You Read and Decide) (Pat Buchanan: A Quota Queen for the Court--interesting associations) Gore wants Cap & Trade (a Tax) AND a carbon taxDem. Dingell recognizes Cap & Trade as a huge tax... 88 yr old Mayor & $0 City DebtTotally inspiring! Hat tip to the Black Sphere (see Blogs). JT Harris and a PhD (oh la la!) discuss future on Bill O'ReillyMr. Harris points out a thoughtful review and insight on the subject by a CA blogger. (Patience with video; it does work.) Where's the money after a CREDIT bubble bursts?Glenn Beck and Walter Zimmerman discuss why we need to go back to a cash-based, rather than credit-based, society. (So stop the easy credit!!) Thought-provoking video It's an Amazing World! (and Nobody's happy...)Have fun remembering how amazing things really are. video Even Jim Cramer thinks Obama's Stimulus Package is a Joke!! History of Home Values![]() A chart worth understanding: Home values are just getting back in line with historical trends upwards. They had a long way to fall, just to be back on the normal path. Hear Glenn Beck explain it. Canadian Health System: We Want That?Here's a short course on brain surgery a la Canada video No one minding Federal Reserve store (compare to Monty Python's Cheese Shop)Trillions of our dollars untended -- going who knows where...pathetic...
Lose Privacy w/ Cash for Clunkers
God, guns, guts, & American pick-up trucks
Liz Cheney Communicating the Issues
Lesson on Personal Destruction
Two Trillion Tons
Road to Hell Paved with Good Intentions
Epitome of Academia in Action
Hey There Obama
Fed Corruption Explained
Sen. Boxer Brings Jim Crow to Life
Fed: $2Trillion w/out Oversight
Sarah Palin Resigns as Governor
Our Gangsta Gov't
Scott Walker Fundraiser with Newt
Here It Is on CNBC: Manipulation
Audit the Fed! Call to support HR 1207
Barack Obama & the "Negro Project"
Fired Acorn employees speak out
Glenn Beck interview reveals it's all about the untransparent money.
Redistribute Wealth, but not Grades?
Young America's Foundation encourages students to question morality of redistributing the results of one person's labor to another. Ashley Herzog expands in "Socialism, College Style Part II" (Part I).
A Marine Vet takes it to his Rep
Rep. Paul Ryan on health care
Freedom Watch - Bye Bye Freedom?
Iranian Unrest
Night of the Living Dead [gov't]
FedEx vs. government bureaucracy
England Gun Ban Battle
Click here for a wake-up call. Is it too little, too late?
33 Minutes
PETA wants to ruin JOYful FISH tale
Warriors Weekend
Cramer's 10 Market Myths
Not liking the gargantuan spending bill, Cramer informs us of his 10 market myths. See both text and video. Granted, after he's praised by Rush, this Dem flipflops, but that's another discussion!
Newt Gingrich Law Lectures
Ronald Reagan: A Time for Choosing
Great Debate on Global Warming
22 yr-old American Cadet Inspires!!

Part 1 (the meat of his talk starts 3 minutes in; 8 minutes total)
Part 2 (if you don't have much time, start listening to these 8 minutes)
No Time for reading it? No Problem. We'll vote for it anyway!
Short and to the point. Consider: How many congressmen (small caps intentional) have read the entire Constitution as an adult and seriously focused on its content? video
Young Con Anthem
When a soldier comes home
Bible Study Group Not Allowed in Home
Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown
American Dream Summit Videos
Couldn't make it? Watch these by the Badger Blogger!! Too many great speakers to list them all. WisconsinEye covered the event as well. More parts to come. Must see the fantastic Herman Cain speech in part 2.
WisEYE part 1
WisEYE part 2 (Herman Cain is about 41 min into this one)
WisEYE part 3
WisEYE part 4
Waxman's Ignorance of Cap and Tax
Obama's Credit Card -- Priceless!
A Superbowl 2009 pro-life commercial rejected by NBC.
Alan Keyes sees an Obamination
Obama is rightly called a radical communist. Keyes is right.
Santelli takes it to Geithner
Santelli takes it to Gibbs
Rick Santelli responds to his condescending dissing from Press Sec. Gibbs. video
Santelli takes it to Obama: TEA Party
Rick Santelli of CNBC on the floor of the CHICAGO Mercantile exchange calling for a tea party. B.O.'s press secretary tries to laugh it off. video
CEO Contradicts Obama on Rehiring Employees
video Caterpillar Head says more layoffs likely, even with stimulus funding.
A certain president-elect ran on a platform of "change." Stuart Shepard considers how it's going so far []
Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt
Interesting 4-minute animation of John Galt's famous speech.
City Year "Youth Brigade" begins

Unsettlingly reminiscent of commie youth groups/Hitler you feel it? This ad aired during Superbowl. ad/video website