Facebook is a place where you can communicate with friends, like-minded people, family, ect. Consider just using it to alert people about updates to your blog or website, provide links to interesting articles, make announcements, give advance notice of upcoming events, allow others to comment on issues... In short, Use it for what you want, not necessarily for what is was intended.
* To selectively send to particular friends. Select Inbox, Message with one other person, event invites can go to others, but you can allow it to be viewed by others.
* To hide someone's posts. When you don't want to read posts from someone you already confirmed as a "friend" without offending them (by having them get a message that you aren't "their friend" anymore after you "unfriend" or "unfollow" them), use the "hide" button on Facebook to stop getting their status updates—they'll never know. (Warning: using Twittersnooze sends a notice from Twitter when you begin reading their tweets again; "un-hiding" doesn't.) In other words, accept the friends, then hide their comments.
* To specify who can find you through Facebook's search feature and what's visible in the search results, click Search to access the Search Visibility box (e.g., you can hide your profile picture, your list of friends). Change your privacy settings so you don’t show up in searches and can’t have people add you as a friend. Then you can add people selectively
* To keep your profile from appearing in Google, deselect “Create a public search listing…”
* To hide contact information like your e-mail address and phone number, select the Privacy Settings page, then click Profile. In the Basic section, use the drop-down boxes to restrict content in your profile.
* To restrict who sees photos and videos that appear in searches for your name. Others can tag you in photos and videos. These appear in searches for your name. You can , though.
* To limit what is posted on your Wall. Your Wall is what others see. By default, all contacts see Wall posts. Deselect “Friends may post to my Wall” to stop all posts to the wall. You will still see them when you look at your XXXXXX. You can also use the dropdown box to limit who sees Wall posts.
* To hide your posts on other people's "Wall." Facebook sends updates on your activities to friends. These appear on your friends’ Walls and News Feeds. If you don't want others to see your posts on your friends' Walls: Select Privacy Settings | Click News Feed and Wall. Suppress updates to your profile, or, hide activity like comments on photos.
* To create a fan page for your organization or website. You can have it linked to the blog and it will update posts simultaniously via the note feature.
* To create lists and then fit your friends into those lists. [FIND HOW TO USE LISTS] You could have a high school list, college list, work list, online friends list, and the “other” list for things don’t fit into any of the lists you made. You can sort people into the lists, and then order the lists to your level of importance. Finally, you can make it show you only what you want to see. [WILL BE ADDING INSTRUCTIONS.]
* To let people know how you want to use Facebook. in your little “info” page: “I’m here to keep tabs on a few select folks only, and my time is limited. Don’t be offended if I don’t add everyone I know. Thanks.”
(2) What’s posted today is going to be around for a long, long time. Heck, the head of a secret-service-esque British agency recently lost his POST because of his wife’s Facebook. She had blissfully subverted all his security protocols and so on by posting all sorts of private information and photos about him, his family, his kids, where he lived, etc. Many people have no sense of privacy these days, and you have to be diligent about who you will allow to have access to your personal information.
* To selectively send to particular friends. Select Inbox, Message with one other person, event invites can go to others, but you can allow it to be viewed by others.
* To hide someone's posts. When you don't want to read posts from someone you already confirmed as a "friend" without offending them (by having them get a message that you aren't "their friend" anymore after you "unfriend" or "unfollow" them), use the "hide" button on Facebook to stop getting their status updates—they'll never know. (Warning: using Twittersnooze sends a notice from Twitter when you begin reading their tweets again; "un-hiding" doesn't.) In other words, accept the friends, then hide their comments.
* To specify who can find you through Facebook's search feature and what's visible in the search results, click Search to access the Search Visibility box (e.g., you can hide your profile picture, your list of friends). Change your privacy settings so you don’t show up in searches and can’t have people add you as a friend. Then you can add people selectively
* To keep your profile from appearing in Google, deselect “Create a public search listing…”
* To hide contact information like your e-mail address and phone number, select the Privacy Settings page, then click Profile. In the Basic section, use the drop-down boxes to restrict content in your profile.
* To restrict who sees photos and videos that appear in searches for your name. Others can tag you in photos and videos. These appear in searches for your name. You can , though.
* To limit what is posted on your Wall. Your Wall is what others see. By default, all contacts see Wall posts. Deselect “Friends may post to my Wall” to stop all posts to the wall. You will still see them when you look at your XXXXXX. You can also use the dropdown box to limit who sees Wall posts.
* To hide your posts on other people's "Wall." Facebook sends updates on your activities to friends. These appear on your friends’ Walls and News Feeds. If you don't want others to see your posts on your friends' Walls: Select Privacy Settings | Click News Feed and Wall. Suppress updates to your profile, or, hide activity like comments on photos.
* To create a fan page for your organization or website. You can have it linked to the blog and it will update posts simultaniously via the note feature.
* To create lists and then fit your friends into those lists. [FIND HOW TO USE LISTS] You could have a high school list, college list, work list, online friends list, and the “other” list for things don’t fit into any of the lists you made. You can sort people into the lists, and then order the lists to your level of importance. Finally, you can make it show you only what you want to see. [WILL BE ADDING INSTRUCTIONS.]
* To let people know how you want to use Facebook. in your little “info” page: “I’m here to keep tabs on a few select folks only, and my time is limited. Don’t be offended if I don’t add everyone I know. Thanks.”
(2) What’s posted today is going to be around for a long, long time. Heck, the head of a secret-service-esque British agency recently lost his POST because of his wife’s Facebook. She had blissfully subverted all his security protocols and so on by posting all sorts of private information and photos about him, his family, his kids, where he lived, etc. Many people have no sense of privacy these days, and you have to be diligent about who you will allow to have access to your personal information.