Current-Event Books |
Dinesh D'Souza | The Roots of Obama's Rage

Kim Simac | With a Rifle By My Side

"With My Rifle by My Side is a story written for young children to encourage an appreciation and respect for appropriate firearm use. It is a charming children s story written in verse that reclaims American values through the perspective of a young boy. The boy enjoys sharing in the experience of hunting with his Dad and sister. He also learns about gun safety as he learns how to shoot his own rifle. After taking part in their outdoor activities, the boy's family learns about our nation's history as they visit American monuments. The boy begins to understand the solemn necessity of firearms as they pertain to America s foundation and the preservation of our liberty...
American Soldier Proud and Free relays the value, importance, and pride the military plays to our country and culture. This book is devoted to the countless men and women who have proudly and selflessly served in our military in order to protect and preserve all we hold dear."
Jim DeMint | Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America's Slide into Socialism

Hovey + Rehmke | The Complete Idiot's Guide to Global Economies

Glenn Beck | Glenn Beck's Common Sense

Sally Pipes | Top Ten Myths about American Health Care: A Citizen's Guide

Thomas Sowell | Housing Boom and Bust

Lynne Cheney | A Time for Freedom

Lynne Cheney says, "I offer this timeline as a way of encouraging study of the past, and I also hope it will spark conversation about what is truly important for us to know...America is our home -- and how lucky we are that it is." This book is an invaluable reminder of America's history and is needed TODAY as we face an environment hostile to all that has made America unique and great. The back cover says that this books does an excellent job "Placing the important happenings and great figures of our history into context and showing the expansion of freedom in this land that we love. A Time for Freedom is a book families will cherish and want to share together!" Perfect for reading a few pages at a time.
Mark Levin | Liberty and Tyranny

Several good reviews may convince you that this is a must-read manifesto for conservatives today. Read David Limbaugh's commentary or the American Thinker's. Read the epilogue to Liberty and Tyranny by clicking here.
S.E. Cupp | Why You're Wrong About the Right: Behind the Myths: The Surprising Truth About Conservatives

S.E. Cupp is author of "Why You're Wrong About The Right," with Brett Joshpe. She has been published in the New York Daily News, Human Events, American Spectator,,, FrontPage, Detroit Free Press and others. She has appeared on MSNBC, CNN, CSPAN, FoxNews, and is a regular guest in the Fox Strategy Room. She is a graduate student at NYU and lives in New York City.
Roy Spencer | Climate Confusion

A reviewer writes: "Here's a fun fact for you: If you live within walking distance of work, which do you think would put more CO2 into the atmosphere, driving to work, or walking to work? Contrary to what most would expect, the correct answer is walking to work! The food production that would be necessary to replace the calories that you would burn would put three times as much CO2 into the atmosphere than driving your car the same distance! Thus, if you buy into this global warming stuff, you better not exercise, because you are "causing global warming!!"
Michael Zak | Back to Basics for the Republican Party

"The author agrues that most Republicans misunderstand or are out of touch with the party's founding ideals and therefore are not successful in promoting the party to a wider audience. He takes us through a tour of what began as "The Party of Lincoln", emphasizing individual freedom under the rule of law. The immediate political outcome was the abolition of slavery and its enforcement by war. The tour concludes by demonstrating how those underlying principals have evolved today--namely, an abhorrence of tyranny worldwide and a continuing vigorous effort to decentralize government by bringing it closer to the people" -- Amazon Reviewer Another review by a Black Republican adds historical context and more about the time period. Read his other recommendation and scroll down on that page for his review of this book.
Sean Hannity | Deliver Us From Evil

Nearly three years have passed since that tragic day in September. Since then, our wounds have healed, but our senses and memories have dulled. At first, the nation rallied behind its leader. But by the time the confrontation with Iraq presented itself, our courage and moral certainty seemed to fade in the face of partisan bickering and posturing. Now the political left and the Democratic Party are trying to use the demanding aftermath of the war to exploit our national cause for their own political advantage. How could we allow ourselves to forget so soon?
Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country. As the host of the phenomenally successful Hannity & Colmes on the Fox News Channel and The Sean Hannity Show on ABC Radio, Hannity has won a wildly devoted fan base. Now he brings his plainspoken, take-no-prisoners style to the continuing War on Terror abroad -- and liberalism at home -- in Deliver Us from Evil.
Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism By Sean Hannity Published by HarperCollins, 2004 ISBN 0060582510, 9780060582517 338 pages
Brad O'Leary | The Audacity of Deceit

When reading "The Audacity of Deceit," you will be shocked to learn what lies beneath Obama's well-polished rhetoric. Before the election he spoke eloquently of "change," but as this book reveals, Obama's brand of change is a hostile attack on the Judeo-Christian values and freedoms most Americans hold dear.
In fact, far from "change you can believe in," it is, instead, change designed to uproot American culture and replace it with the failed, secular, socialist policies of the past. While other books on Obama have focused on his past, "The Audacity of Deceit" boldly zeroes in on the future – on exactly how Barack Obama plans to "change" America.